Invited Speakers
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Inga Anita Fischer is Full Professor for Experimental Physics and Functional Materials at Brandenburg University of Technology……
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From 2005 to 2007, Marc Bescond was Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Physics at Grenoble INP (PHELMA)……..
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Luca Camilli received a M.S. degree in materials science in 2009 and his PhD in physics in 2012 from University of Rome…….
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Dr Paola Prete, PhD in Physics, is senior scientist and responsible of the Epitaxial Growth Laboratory at the CNR Institute …….
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Aitor Mugarza is ICREA Research Professor and Group Leader of the Atomic Manipulation and Spectroscopy Group at……
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Kory Burns is an assistant professor in the department of materials science and engineering at the University of Virginia……
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Currently Research Engineer at Centre de Recherche sur Hetero-epitaxie et ses applications (CRHEA) in Valbonne……
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Dr. José Caridad is an Assistant Professor and Ramón y Cajal fellow at the Department of Applied Physics……
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Marco Salvalaglio studied physics and obtained his Ph.D. in materials science at the University of Milano-Bicocca in 2016…….
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Alicia Ruiz-Caridad carried out her PhD at the Center of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (C2N)…..
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Jonathan Bradford is a Postdoctoral Researcher the University of Nottingham specialising in bottom-up growth…..
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Thomas Fromherz is professor at the semiconductor physics department of the Johannes Kepler University in Linz…..
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Dr. Judy Wu is a Distinguished Professor of Physics at the University of Kansas. She is an experimental…….
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In 2019, I defended my PhD thesis entitled “Transport in ultra-scaled Ge quantum dots embedded in Al-Ge-Al nanowire…..
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Rosalba Fittipaldi is, since October 2012, researcher of the Institute for Superconductors and Innovative Materials……
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Abderraouf Boucherif is an Associate Professor of mechanical engineering at Université de Sherbrooke since 2018…
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Ilan Goldfarb is a Professor and a former Chair of Department of Materials Science and Engineering (DMSE)…
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Nathalie Destouches is an engineer who graduated from Ecole Centrale Marseille/ENSPM (1998) and…..
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Giorgio Contini got a MSc in Physics from La Sapienza University, Roma, Italy and a PhD in Materials for Health….
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Cyprus University of Technology – Department of Mechanical & Materials Science Engineering, Professor, 2007 – present…
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Petra Granitzer degreed in Physics at the University of Graz studying “Mesoporous Silicon as a Matrix for Ferromagnetic…
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Dr. Andrea Capasso is a Staff Researcher at the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL), where he is principal…
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Bio Sketch : Alexa Courty is Professor of Chemistry at Sorbonne University, member of the MONARIS Laboratory (UMR 8233)…
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Giuliana Impellizzeri has a permanent position as Senior Researcher at the Institute for Microelectronics…
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