1 M. Abel: On-surface synthesis of 1D and 2D conductive-MOF
2 L. Boarino: Characterisation of self-assembled diblock copolymers optical metasurfaces by hybrid metrology approach
3 N. Bottin: Laser-induced dynamics in PCMs: unravelling Ge rich-GeSbTe crystallization and amorphization mechanisms using short-pulse laser annealing, providing an opening for cycling studies
4 E. Campagna: Fabrication of Bi2Se3 thin films by vapor phase deposition for the fabrication of photodetectors based on Bi2Se3/Si junctions
5 P. David: Highly oriented Cu templates sputtering deposition for graphene CVD growth
6 N. De Leo: Silicon Nanowires obtained by nanosphere self-assembly: A VAMAS Interlaboratory comparison by Scanning Thermal Microscopy
7 D. Dimitrov: Growth of MoS2 flakes via close proximity re-evaporation
8 A. Arette-Hourquet: Local analyses of strain relaxation in Ge-rich SiGe layers
9 A. Hrib: Synthesis and characterisation of cobalt blue/ polydimethylsiloxane composite layers
10 I. Madaci: Strain-engineering in thin Si1-xGex layers on mesa epitaxy
11 P. Prete: Van der Waals epitaxy of 2D layered heterostructures: the MBE laboratory at IMM-CNR Lecce
12 M. Shahrezaei: Enhancing Hydrogen Evolution Reaction Activity through Optimal Reaction Time in Synthesizing Platinum Single-Atom TiO2 Catalyst
13 V. Strano: Aloe vera-mediated green synthesis of amorphous iron oxide nanoparticles for sustainable nano- fertilization
14 A.S. Takala: 3D Condensation of SiGe for Fabricating High Quality (110)-Oriented Nano-patterns of GOI for augmented MOSFETs based devices
15 L. Vizitiu: Studies on the influence of chromium doping on optical, electrical and magnetic properties of hematite thin films
16 K. Wang: Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulation of Epitaxal Growth of 2D Si